ActiFi™ Composite Cable, Loose Tube, Indoor/Outdoor, FREEDM® Riser 4 F, 2 Cu Conductor, 16AWG
  • ActiFi™ Composite Cable, Loose Tube, Indoor/Outdoor, FREEDM® ...

ActiFi™ Composite Cable, Loose Tube, Indoor/Outdoor, FREEDM® Riser 4 F, 2 Cu Conductor, 16AWG

P/N: 004ZTF-21Y01M20

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ActiFi™ Composite FREEDM® Cables provide the
ultimate solution for indoor/outdoor remote
powering in applications such as distributed
antenna systems, optical networks, small cells
and more. The design uses a 4-fiber cable with 2
copper conductors rated at 300 VAC. These
cables are suitable for use with Digital
Electricity™ and +/-190VDC installations in
accordance with NEC Article 830.15. They may
also be used with low-voltage installations in
accordance with NEC Article 725.


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ActiFi™ Composite Cable, Loose Tube, Indoor/Outdoor, FREEDM® Riser 4 F, 2 Cu Conductor, 16AWG

ActiFiTM Composite FREEDM® Cables provide theultimate solution for indoor/outdoor remotepowering in applications such as distributedantenna systems, optical networks, small cellsand more. The design uses a 4-fiber cable with 2copper conductors rated at 300 VAC. Thesecables are suitable for use with DigitalElectricityTM and +/-190VDC installations inaccordance with NEC Article 830.15. They mayalso be used with low-voltage installations inaccordance with NEC Article 725.
ActiFiTM Composite FREEDM® Cables also providea time- and cost-saving solution for installationsrequiring remotely powered equipment. Byintegrating copper and fiber in one cable,composite cables eliminate the need to installseparate power and fiber cables. This savesinstallation time, labor costs and duct or trayspace. This compact and versatile design isavailable with an interlocking armor option foradditional protection where conduit may not befeasible.


Features and Benefits

12, 14, 16, or 20 AWG copper conductors

Power transmission with flexibility in design

2, 4, 6, 8, 12 or 24 ClearCurve® ZBL or SMF-28® Ultra fibers

Reliable performance in challenging routes

Individual fibers

Easily accessible for splicing, bundled for independent routing

Mutual capacitance between adjacent conductors

<50 pF/ft

2-in-1 composite cable design

One cable meets power and signal needs

Conductor color code

Same as Telcordia color code

Conductor insulation material and thickness

PVC insulation, thickness varies depending on AWG size

Mechanical Specifications

Min. Bend Radius Installation

91.44 mm (3.6 in)

Min. Bend Radius Operation

60.96 mm (2.4 in)

Nominal Outer Diameter

6.1 mm (0.24 in )

Cable Design


Central Element

Jacketed GRP

Fiber Count


Buffer Tube Color Coding


Number of Ripcords


Outer Jacket Color


Outer Jacket Material


Buffer Tube Diameter

1.6 mm (0.06 in)


16 AWG

Number of Active Tubes


Number of Conductors


Number of Tube Positions


Fiber Coloring

Blue, Orange, Green, Brown

Fibers per Tube


Environmental Conditions


Temperature Range, Installation

0 °C - 60 °C (32 °F - 140 °F)

Temperature Range, Storage

-40 °C - 70 °C (-40 °F - 158 °F)

General Specifications


Fiber Category

SMF-28® Ultra fiber

Ordering Information



55 kg/km

Optical Characteristics


Fiber Code


Fiber Name

SMF-28® Ultra fiber

Fiber Type


Performance Option Code


Maximum Attenuation

0.4 dB/km / 0.4 dB/km / 0.3 dB/km

Typical Attenuation

0.33 / 0.33 / 0.19


1310 nm / 1383 nm / 1550 nm

Fiber Category


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